- Erotomania
- The false but persistent belief that one is loved by a person (often a famous or prominent person), or the pathologically obsessive pursuit of a disinterested object of love. Erotomania can be a symptom of schizophrenia or other psychiatric disorders that are characterized by delusional symptoms.
* * *1. Excessive or morbid inclination to erotic thoughts and behavior. 2. The delusional belief that one is involved in a relationship with another, generally of unattainable status. [G. eros, love, + mania, frenzy]
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1) excessive sexual desire2) a psychological disorder marked by the delusional belief that one is the object of another person's love or sexual desire* * *
n.a delusion that the individual is loved by some person, often a person of importance. Sometimes, but not always, this progresses to schizophrenia.* * *
ero·to·ma·nia (ə-rot″o-maґne-ə) [eroto- + -mania] 1. a type of delusional disorder in which the subject believes that a person, usually older and of higher social status, is deeply in love with him or her; failure of the object of the delusion to respond to the subject's advances are rationalized, and pursuit and harassment of that person may occur. 2. occasionally, hypersexuality.
Medical dictionary. 2011.