integrins — (in tě grin) A large and broadly distributed family of a/b heterodimers. Integrins are cellular adhesion receptors that mediate cell cell and cell substratum interactions. Integrins usually recognize linear amino acid sequences on protein ligands … Dictionary of microbiology
Integrins — Abbildung: Integrine, Brücken zwischen RGD Proteinen und dem Cytoskelett. Gezeigt ist der GPIIb/IIIa Komplex der Thrombozytenmenbran. Bindung von Ca++ an eine von Willebrand Faktor artige Domäne verleiht diesem Integrin die Fähigkeit zur Bindung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
integrins — Superfamily of cell surface proteins that are involved in binding to extracellular matrix components in some cases. Most are heterodimeric with a b subunit of 95 kD that is conserved through the superfamily, and a more variable a subunit of 150… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Integrin — Integrins are cell surface receptors that interact with the extracellular matrix (ECM) and mediate various intracellular signals. They define cellular shape, mobility, and regulate the cell cycle. These integral membrane proteins are attached to… … Wikipedia
Signal transduction — In biology, signal transduction refers to any process by which a cell converts one kind of signal or stimulus into another. Most processes of signal transduction involve ordered sequences of biochemical reactions inside the cell, which are… … Wikipedia
Leukocyte extravasation — Neutrophils extravasate from blood vessels to the site of tissue injury or infection during the innate immune response Leukocyte extravasation is the movement of leukocytes out of the circulatory system, towards the site of tissue damage or… … Wikipedia
Fibronectin — 1 PDB rendering based on 1e88 … Wikipedia
CD18 — Integrin, beta 2 (complement component 3 receptor 3 and 4 subunit) PDB rendering based on 1l3y … Wikipedia
Mechanotransduction — refers to the many mechanisms by which cells convert mechanical stimulus into chemical activity.[1][2] Contents 1 Tendon 2 Ear 3 … Wikipedia
CD9 — molecule Identifiers Symbols CD9; BTCC 1; DRAP 27; FLJ99568; MIC3; MRP 1; TSPAN 29; TSPAN29 External IDs … Wikipedia