
1. [TA] An oval region of the cerebral cortex overlying the extreme capsule, lateral to the lenticular nucleus, buried in the depth of the fissura lateralis cerebri (sylvian fissure), separated from the adjacent opercula by the circular sulcus of i.. SYN: insular area, insular cortex, island of Reil. 2. SYN: island. 3. Any circumscribed body or patch on the skin. [L. island]
- Haller i. a doubling of the thoracic duct for part of its course through the thorax. SYN: Haller anulus.

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in·su·la 'in(t)s-(y)ə-, 'in-shə- n, pl in·su·lae -., -. the lobe in the center of the cerebral hemisphere that is situated deeply between the lips of the sylvian fissure called also central lobe, island of Reil

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an area of the cerebral cortex that is overlapped by the sides of the deep lateral sulcus (cleft) in each hemisphere.

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in·su·la (inґsə-lə) gen. and pl. inґsulae [L. âœislandâ] an islandlike structure. [TA] a portion of the cerebral cortex lying deep in the lateral sulcus, almost surrounded by the circular sulcus; it is covered over and hidden from view by juxtaposition of the opercula. Called also lobus insularis [TA alternative], insular lobe or >cortex and insula of Reil.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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