- insufficiency
- Lack of completeness of function or power. SEE ALSO: incompetence. [L. in-, neg. + sufficientia, fr. sufficio to suffice]- acute adrenocortical i. severe adrenocortical i. when an intercurrent illness or trauma causes an increased demand for adrenocortical hormones in a patient with adrenal i. due to disease or use of relatively large amounts of similar hormones as therapy; characterized by nausea, vomiting, hypotension, and frequently hyperthemia, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, and hypoglycemia; can be fatal if untreated. SYN: addisonian crisis, adrenal crisis, Bernard-Sergent syndrome.- chronic adrenocortical i. adrenocortical i. usually as the result of idiopathic atrophy or destruction of both adrenal glands by tuberculosis, an autoimmune process, or other diseases; characterized by fatigue, decreased blood pressure, weight loss, increased melanin pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes, anorexia, and nausea or vomiting; without appropriate replacement therapy, it can progress to acute adrenocortical i.. SYN: Addison disease, addisonian syndrome, hyposupradrenalism, morbus Addisonii.- convergence i. that condition in which an exophoria or exotropia is more marked for near vision than for far vision.- divergence i. that condition in which an esophoria or esotropia is more marked for far vision than for near vision.- exocrine pancreatic i. lack of exocrine secretions of pancreas, due to destruction of acini, usually by chronic pancreatitis; lack of digestive enzymes from pancreas results in diarrhea, usually fatty (steatorrhea) because of lack of pancreatic enzymes.- latent adrenocortical i. adrenocortical i. not clinically evident but which can become severe if a sudden stress, such as an intercurrent acute illness, develops.- muscular i. failure of any muscle to contract with its normal force, especially such failure of any of the eye muscles.- myocardial i. SYN: heart failure (1).- parathyroid i. SYN: hypoparathyroidism.- partial adrenocortical i. normal basal adrenocortical function with failure of adrenocortical reserve to respond to ACTH stimulation.- primary adrenocortical i. adrenocortical i. caused by disease, destruction, or surgical removal of the adrenal cortices.- pyloric i. patulousness of the pyloric outlet of the stomach, allowing regurgitation of duodenal contents into the stomach.- renal i. defective function of the kidneys, with accumulation of waste products (particularly nitrogenous) in the blood.- respiratory i. failure to adequately provide oxygen to the cells of the body and to remove excess carbon dioxide from them.- secondary adrenocortical i. adrenocortical i. caused by failure of ACTH secretion resulting from anterior pituitary disease or inhibition of ACTH production resulting from exogenous steroid therapy.- velopharyngeal i. anatomical or functional deficiency in the soft palate or superior constrictor muscle of the pharynx, resulting in the inability to achieve velopharyngeal closure.
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in·suf·fi·cien·cy .in(t)-sə-'fish-ən-sē n, pl -cies the quality or state of not being sufficient: asa) lack of adequate supply of something <an \insufficiency of vitamins>b) lack of physical power or capacity esp inability of an organ or bodily part to function normally <renal \insufficiency> <pulmonary \insufficiency> compare AORTIC REGURGITATIONin·suf·fi·cient -ənt adj* * *
n.inability of an organ or part, such as the heart or kidney, to carry out its normal function.* * *
in·suf·fi·cien·cy (in″sə-fishґən-se) the condition of being insufficient or inadequate to the performance of the allotted function; see also failure. Called also incompetence.
Medical dictionary. 2011.