
1. The act of permeating or penetrating into a substance, cell, or tissue; said of gases, fluids, or matter held in solution. 2. The gas, fluid, or dissolved matter that has entered any substance, cell, or tissue. SYN: infiltrate (2). 3. Injection of solution into tissues, as in i. anesthesia. 4. Extravasation of solutions intended for intravascular injection.
- adipose i. growth of normal adult fat cells in sites where they are not usually present.
- cellular i. migration of cells from their sources of origin, or direct extension of cells as a result of unusual growth and multiplication, thereby resulting in fairly well-defined foci, irregular accumulations, or diffusely distributed individual cells in the connective tissue and interstices of various organs and tissues; used especially with reference to such changes associated with inflammations and certain types of malignant neoplasms.
- epituberculous i. an i. superimposed upon a tuberculous lesion.
- fatty i. abnormal accumulation of fat droplets in the cytoplasm of cells, particularly of fat derived from outside the cells. SEE ALSO: fatty degeneration.
- gelatinous i. SYN: gray i..
- gray i. a term sometimes used for the relatively rapidly formed, semisolid, gray or gray-white exudate (chiefly necrotic cells and remnants of tissue, and macrophages) resulting from unusually acute, overwhelming, diffuse tuberculous infection in the lung. SYN: gelatinous i..
- lipomatous i. nonencapsulated adipose tissue forming a lipomalike mass, usually in the cardiac interatrial septum where it may cause arrhythmia and sudden death. SYN: lipomatous hypertrophy.
- paraneural i. SYN: perineural i..
- perineural i. i. adjacent to or along a nerve. SYN: paraneural i..

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in·fil·tra·tion .in-(.)fil-'trā-shən n
1 a) the act or process of infiltrating
b) something that infiltrates <anesthetic drug \infiltration>
2) an abnormal bodily condition produced or characterized by infiltration

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1. the abnormal entry of a substance (infiltrate) into a cell, tissue, or organ. Examples of infiltrates are blood cells, cancer cells, fat, starch, or calcium and magnesium salts.
2. the injection of a local anaesthetic solution into the tissues to cause local anaesthesia. Infiltration anaesthesia is routinely used to anaesthetize upper teeth to allow dental procedures to be carried out.

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in·fil·tra·tion (in″fil-traґshən) [in-1 + filtration] 1. the pathological accumulation in tissue or cells of substances not normal to it or in amounts in excess of the normal. 2. infiltrate (def. 2). 3. the deposition of a solution directly into tissue; see under anesthesia.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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