
Closure of the vaginal vestibule by creating a fusion of the labia majora; typically done after excision of the labia minora and clitoris and incision of the labia majora to create raw surfaces that can be surgically joined by pinning so that they will eventually grow together; done for cultural, not medical, reasons. SEE ALSO: female circumcision. [L. infibulo, to pin or clasp together, to join surgically (Celsus), fr. in- + fibula, pin, clasp]

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in·fib·u·la·tion (.)in-.fib-yə-'lā-shən n an act or practice of fastening by ring, clasp, or stitches the labia majora in girls and the foreskin in boys in order to prevent sexual intercourse
in·fib·u·late -'fib-yə-.lāt vt, -lat·ed; -lat·ing

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in·fib·u·la·tion (in-fib″u-laґshən) [L. infibulare to buckle together] 1. the act of buckling, or fastening as if with buckles. 2. a practice done in extreme types of female circumcision in certain cultures; after excision of the clitoris and the labia minora, the vaginal orifice is largely closed up with stitches or clasps. This has been declared harmful by the World Health Organization.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Infibulation — Infibulation, in modern usage, is the practice of surgical closure of the labia majora (outer lips of the vulva) by sewing them together to partially seal the vagina, leaving only a small hole for the passage of urine and menstrual blood. The… …   Wikipedia

  • infibulation — [ ɛ̃fibylasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XVIe; lat. infibulatio, de fibula « agrafe » ♦ Didact. Mutilation sexuelle féminine qui consiste à coudre les grandes lèvres dans le but d empêcher les relations sexuelles. Excision et infibulation. ● infibulation nom… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Infibulation — In*fib u*la tion, n. [L. infibulare, infibulatum, to clasp, buckle, or button together; pref. in in + fibula clasp, buckle: cf. F. infibulation.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of clasping, or fastening, as with a buckle or padlock. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • infibulation — 1640s, noun of action from INFIBULATE (Cf. infibulate) …   Etymology dictionary

  • infibulation — [in fib΄yo͞o lā′shən] n. the practice, as in some areas of North Africa, of sewing up most of the opening to the vagina, esp. of unmarried girls, to prevent sexual intercourse …   English World dictionary

  • Infibulation — Eine Infibulation (lat. fibula „Spange“)[1] ist die (teilweise) Verschließung der menschlichen Genitalöffnung mit dem Ziel, Koitus (Geschlechtsverkehr) und Masturbation (Selbstbefriedigung) zu verhindern.[2] Die Infibulation ist seit dem Altertum …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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