
1. Indoxyl β-d-glucoside from Indigofera species and Polygonium tinctorium; a source of indigo. SYN: plant i.. 2. 3-Indoxylsulfuric acid, a substance found (as its salts) in sweat and in variable amounts in urine; indicative, when in quantity, of protein putrefaction in the intestine (indicanuria). SYN: metabolic i., uroxanthin.
- metabolic i. SYN: i. (2).
- plant i. SYN: i. (1).

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in·di·can 'in--.kan n
1) an indigo-forming substance C8H7NO4S found as a salt in urine and other animal fluids also its potassium salt C8H6KNO4S
2) a glucoside C14H17NO6 occurring esp. in the indigo plant and being a source of natural indigo

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a compound excreted in the urine as a detoxification product of indoxyl. Indican is formed by the conjugation of indoxyl with sulphuric acid and potassium on the decomposition of tryptophan.

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in·di·can (inґdĭ-kən) 1. a yellow indoxyl glycoside from plants that yield indigo. On hydrolysis it yields glucose and indoxyl. 2. potassium indoxyl sulfate, formed by decomposition of tryptophan in the intestines, absorbed, conjugated, and excreted in the urine.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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