
A person engaged in epidemiology (not confined to epidemics). Epidemiologists include people with an M.D., Ph.D., D.P.H. (Doctor of Public Health), M.P.H. (Master of Public Health), R.N., and a number of other degrees.
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An investigator who studies the occurrence of disease or other health-related conditions, states, or events in specified populations; one who practices epidemiology; the control of disease is usually also considered to be a task of the e..

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ep·i·de·mi·ol·o·gist .ep-ə-.dē-mē-'äl-ə-jəst, -.dem-ē- n a specialist in epidemiology

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ep·i·de·mi·ol·o·gist (ep″ĭ-de″me-olґə-jist) a specialist in epidemiology.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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