Immunodiffusion — is a diagnostic test which involves diffusion through a substance such as agar.One commonly known form is Ouchterlony double immuno diffusion.External links* … Wikipedia
Immunodiffusion — L Immunodiffusion est un test diagnostique qui implique la diffusion de cellules immunitaires à travers une substance solide gélifiée comme l agar agar. Les deux formes d immunodiffusion les plus connues sont la immunodiffusion double d… … Wikipédia en Français
immunodiffusion — noun Date: 1959 any of several techniques for obtaining a precipitate between an antibody and its specific antigen by suspending one in a gel and letting the other migrate through it from a well or by letting both antibody and antigen migrate… … New Collegiate Dictionary
immunodiffusion — A technique involving the diffusion of antigen and/or antibody within a semisolid gel to produce a precipitin reaction where they meet in proper proportions. Often both the antibody and antigen diffuse through the gel; sometimes an antigen… … Dictionary of microbiology
immunodiffusion — /im yeuh noh di fyooh zheuhn, i myooh /, n. any of various analytical techniques that involve antigen and antibody solutions diffusing toward each other in a gel until antibody binds specifically to antigen to form a precipitate. [1955 60; IMMUNO … Universalium
immunodiffusion — noun a technique used to detect the reaction between an antigen and an antibody by observing the behavior of a combination of such species as they diffuse through a gel … Wiktionary
immunodiffusion — It involves the use of agar plates with wells for both antibodies and antigens. The two reactants diffuse into the gel where immunoprecipitates will form at the point of equivalence for each antigenantibody pair … Forensic science glossary
immunodiffusion — im·mu·no·diffusion … English syllables
immunodiffusion — im•mu•no•dif•fu•sion [[t]ˌɪm yə noʊ dɪˈfyu ʒən, ɪˌmyu [/t]] n. imu any of various analytical techniques that involve antigen and antibody solutions diffusing toward each other in a gel until antibody binds specifically to antigen to form a… … From formal English to slang
immunodiffusion — ˌ noun Etymology: immuno + diffusion : any of several techniques for obtaining a precipitate between an antibody and its specific antigen by suspending one in a gel and letting the other migrate through it from a well or by letting both antibody… … Useful english dictionary