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iliococcygeal muscle — iliococcygeus muscle musculus iliococcygeus … Medical dictionary
Muscle — is the tissue of the body which primarily functions as a source of power. There are three types of muscle in the body. Muscle which is responsible for moving extremities and external areas of the body is called "skeletal muscle." Heart… … Medical dictionary
raphe — The line of union of two contiguous, bilaterally symmetrical structures. SYN: rhaphe. [G. rhaphe, suture, seam] amnionic r. the line of fusion of the amnionic folds over the embryo in reptiles, birds, and certain mammals. r. anococcygea SYN … Medical dictionary
iliococcygeus — il·io·coc·cy·geus .il ē ō käk sij (ē )əs n a muscle of the pelvis that is a subdivision of the levator ani, has its origin at the pubic symphysis and the tendon which arches over the obturator internus, inserts on the coccyx and perineal body,… … Medical dictionary
musculus iliococcygeus — [TA] iliococcygeal muscle: the posterior portion of the levator ani, which originates as far anteriorly as the obturator canal and inserts on the side of the coccyx and the anococcygeal ligament; innervation, third and fourth sacral; action,… … Medical dictionary