
The line of union of two contiguous, bilaterally symmetrical structures. SYN: rhaphe. [G. rhaphe, suture, seam]
- amnionic r. the line of fusion of the amnionic folds over the embryo in reptiles, birds, and certain mammals.
- r. anococcygea SYN: anococcygeal ligament.
- anogenital r. in the male embryo the line of closure of the genital folds and swellings extending from the anus to the glans of the penis; it is differentiated in the adult into three regions: perineal r., scrotal r., and penile r..
- r. corporis callosi a slight anteroposterior furrow on the median line of the upper surface of the corpus callosum.
- iliococcygeal r. [TA] portion of anococcygeal body formed by the attachment of the right and left halves of the iliococcygeus (muscle) to each other in the midline, posterior to the anal canal. SYN: r. musculi iliococcygeus [TA].
- lateral palpebral r. a narrow fibrous band in the lateral part of the orbicularis oculi muscle formed by the interlacing of fibers passing through the upper and lower eyelids. SYN: palpebral r., r. palpebralis lateralis.
- r. linguae SYN: median sulcus of tongue.
- median longitudinal r. of tongue SYN: median sulcus of tongue.
- r. of medulla oblongata SYN: r. medullae oblongatae.
- r. medullae oblongatae [TA] the seamlike median zone of the medulla oblongata, marked by intercrossing fiber bundles among which lie scattered neuronal cell bodies. SYN: r. of medulla oblongata.
- r. musculi iliococcygeus [TA] SYN: iliococcygeal r..
- r. palati [TA] SYN: palatine r..
- palatine r. [TA] a rather narrow, low elevation in the center of the hard palate that extends from the incisive papilla posteriorly over the entire length of the mucosa of the hard palate. SYN: r. palati [TA], palatine ridge.
- penile r. SYN: r. of penis.
- r. penis [TA] SYN: r. of penis.
- r. of penis [TA] the continuation of the r. of the scrotum onto the underside of the penis. SYN: r. penis [TA], penile r..
- perineal r. [TA] the central anteroposterior line of the perineum, most marked in the male, being continuous with the r. of the scrotum. SYN: r. perinei [TA].
- r. perinei [TA] SYN: perineal r..
- pharyngeal r. [TA] the central line of the pharynx posteriorly where the muscular fibers meet and partly interlace. SYN: r. pharyngis [TA].
- r. pharyngis [TA] SYN: pharyngeal r..
- r. of pons SYN: r. pontis.
- r. pontis [TA] the continuation of the r. medullae oblongatae into the pars dorsalis (or tegmentum) pontis. SYN: r. of pons.
- pterygomandibular r. [TA] a tendinous thickening of the buccopharyngeal fascia, separating and giving origin to the buccinator muscle anteriorly and the superior constrictor of the pharynx posteriorly. SYN: r. pterygomandibularis [TA], pterygomandibular ligament.
- r. pterygomandibularis [TA] SYN: pterygomandibular r..
- r. retinae the horizontal line separating the superior and inferior portions of the temporal retina over which the retinal nerve fibers do not course.
- scrotal r. SYN: r. of scrotum.
- r. scroti [TA] SYN: r. of scrotum.
- r. of scrotum [TA] a central line, like a cord, running over the scrotum from the anus to the root of the penis; it marks the position of the septum scroti. SYN: r. scroti [TA], scrotal r., Vesling line.
- Stilling r. the transverse interdigitations of fiber bundles across the anterior median fissure of the medulla oblongata at the decussation of the pyramidal tracts.

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ra·phe also rha·phe 'rā-fē n the seamlike union of the two lateral halves of a part or organ (as of the tongue, perineum, or scrotum) having externally a ridge or furrow and internally usu. a fibrous connective tissue septum

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a line, ridge, seam, or crease in a tissue or organ, especially the line that marks the junction of two embryologically distinct parts that have fused to form a single structure in the adult. For example, the raphe of the tongue is the furrow that passes down the centre of the dorsal surface of the tongue.

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ra·phe (raґfe) gen. raphēs pl. raґphae [Gr. rhaphē] a seam; in anatomy, the line of union of the halves of any of various symmetrical parts.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • raphe — [rā′fē] n. [ModL < Gr rhaphē, seam < rhaptein, to stitch together < IE * werp , * wrep , to turn, twist > RHAPSODY] 1. Anat. a seamlike joining of the two lateral halves of an organ, as of the tongue 2. Bot. a) a ridge of tissue along …   English World dictionary

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