
Involuntary urination, which may be caused by a variety of factors. These include disorders of the kidneys, bladder, or ureter; and poor control of the muscles that control release of urine. Enuresis is also occasionally associated with neurological disorders, such as Tourettes syndrome, particularly in children. Nighttime (nocturnal) enuresis may be related to any of the above, or may be a symptom of a sleep disorder. Palliative treatment options include regularly scheduled toileting, increasing awareness of the need to urinate, exercises intended to strengthen the muscles that control release of urine (see Kegel exercises), pads or diapers to prevent embarrassing and uncomfortable wetness, and in some cases special devices that alert the patient to initial signs of wetness. Treatment of enuresis usually involves treatment of the underlying disorder. Cognitive behavioral therapy or behavior modification techniques may also prove helpful. From the Greekenourinmeaningto urinate in.” See also Bedwetting.
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Involuntary discharge or leakage of urine. [G. en-oureo, to urinate in]
- diurnal e. urinary accidents during wakefulness.

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en·ure·sis .en-yu̇-'-səs n, pl -ure·ses -.sēz an involuntary discharge of urine: incontinence of urine
en·uret·ic -'ret-ik adj or n

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the involuntary passing of urine. The most common form is bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) by children (the majority of children are dry during the day by the age of three years and at night by four). Nocturnal enuresis is occasionally caused by underlying disorders of the urinary tract, particularly infection, but in the majority of children the problem is behavioural; there is often a family history. The condition usually settles spontaneously as the child grows older, but it may persist into teenage - and rarely adult - life. It can be treated by behavioural techniques, such as the use of a nocturnal alarm (see bell and pad) or reinforcement of periods of continence with a reward system, or by drug treatment. Enuresis that starts in adulthood is usually associated with a disorder of the bladder or a neurological disease, such as multiple sclerosis. See also incontinence.
enuretic adj.

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en·ure·sis (enu-reґsis) [Gr. enourein to void urine] urinary incontinence.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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