
Inability to control the elimination of stool (fecal incontinence). Encopresis can have a variety of causes, including inability to control the anal sphincter muscle or gastrointestinal problems, particularly chronic diarrhea and Crohn’s disease. Several neurological disorders are also occasionally associated with the symptom of encopresis, particularly in children, including Tourette’s syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Preventive care for encopresis including frequent scheduled toileting, and pads or diapers to prevent embarrassing soiling. Careful cleaning is important to prevent skin breakdown. Treatment of encopresis usually involves treatment of the underlying disorder; cognitive behavioral therapy or behavior modification is also sometimes helpful.
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The repeated, generally involuntary passage of feces into inappropriate places ( e.g., clothing). [G. enkopros, full of manure]

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en·cop·re·sis .en-.käp-'rē-səs, -kə-'prē- n, pl -re·ses -.sēz involuntary passage of feces <\encopresis as a consequence of chronic constipation>
en·cop·ret·ic .en-.käp-'ret-ik, -kə-'pret- adj

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incontinence of faeces. The term is used for faecal soiling in a child who has gained bowel control but passes formed stools in unacceptable places. The underlying problem is behavioural and treatment is difficult, often requiring the input of a child psychiatrist. Encopresis must be distinguished from chronic constipation with overflow.

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en·co·pre·sis (en-ko-preґsis) fecal incontinence.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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