- hyperparathyroidism
- A condition due to an increase in the secretion of the parathyroids, causing elevated serum calcium, decreased serum phosphorus, and increased excretion of both calcium and phosphorus, calcium stones and sometimes generalized osteitis fibrosa cystica.- secondary h. h. that arises as a result of disordered metabolism producing hypocalcemia, as in chronic uremia due to renal disease, malabsorption, rickets, or osteomalacia; associated with hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands.
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hy·per·para·thy·roid·ism -.par-ə-'thī-.rȯid-.iz-əm n the presence of excess parathyroid hormone in the body resulting in disturbance of calcium metabolism with increase in serum calcium and decrease in inorganic phosphorus, loss of calcium from bone, and renal damage with frequent kidney-stone formation* * *
n.* * *
hy·per·para·thy·roid·ism (hi″pər-par″ə-thiґroid-iz-əm) a condition caused by excessive amounts of parathyroid hormone, which causes hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia and affects the functions of many cell types. Manifestations include calcium deposits in the renal tubules; generalized decalcification of bone (osteoporosis) that results in pain and tenderness of bones and spontaneous fractures or in localized bone cysts; hypercalcemia that leads to muscular weakness, gastrointestinal symptoms such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pains; and drowsiness or obtusion.
Medical dictionary. 2011.