- hydropneumoperitoneum
- The presence of gas and serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity. SYN: pneumohydroperitoneum. [hydro- + G. pneuma, air, + peritoneum]
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n.the presence of fluid and gas in the peritoneal cavity. This may be due either to the introduction of air through an instrument being used to remove the fluid; because a perforation in the digestive tract has allowed the escape of fluid and gas; or because gas-forming bacteria are growing in the peritoneal fluid.* * *
hy·dro·pneu·mo·peri·to·ne·um (hi″dro-noo″mo-per″ĭ-to-neґəm) [hydro- + pneumo- + peritoneum] a collection of watery fluid and gas in the peritoneal cavity.
Medical dictionary. 2011.