
1. SYN: h. cyst. 2. A vesicular structure resembling an Echinococcus cyst. [G. hydatis, a drop of water, a hyatid]
- Morgagni h. SYN: vesicular appendages of epoophoron, under appendage.
- nonpedunculated h. SYN: appendix of testis.
- pedunculated h. SYN: appendix of epididymidis.
- sessile h. SYN: appendix of testis.
- stalked h. SYN: vesicular appendages of epoophoron, under appendage.

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hy·da·tid 'hīd-ə-təd, -.tid n
1) the larval cyst of a tapeworm of the genus Echinococcus that usu. occurs as a fluid-filled sac containing daughter cysts in which scolices develop but that occas. forms a proliferating spongy mass which actively metastasizes in the host's tissues called also hydatid cyst see ECHINOCOCCUS (1)
2 a) an abnormal cyst or cystic structure esp HYDATIDIFORM MOLE

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a bladder-like cyst formed in various human tissues following the growth of the larval stage of an Echinococcus tapeworm. E. granulosus produces a single large fluid-filled cyst, called unilocular hydatid, which gives rise internally to smaller daughter cysts. The entire hydatid is bound by a fibrous capsule. E. multilocularis forms aggregates of many smaller cysts with a jelly-like matrix, called an alveolar hydatid, and enlarges by budding off external daughter cysts. Alveolar hydatids are not delimited by fibrous capsules and produce malignant tumours, which invade and destroy human tissues. See also hydatid disease.

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hy·da·tid (hiґdə-tid) [Gr. hydatis, water] 1. hydatid cyst. 2. any cystlike structure; see under mole.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Hydatid — Hy da*tid, n. [Gr. ?, ?, a watery vesicle under the upper eyelid, fr. y dwr, y datos, water: cf. F. hydatide.] (Zo[ o]l.) A membranous sac or bladder filled with a pellucid fluid, found in various parts of the bodies of animals, but unconnected… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • hydatid — [hī′dətid΄] n. [Gr hydatis (gen. hydatidos), watery vesicle < base of hydōr, WATER] a cyst containing watery fluid and the larvae of certain tapeworms (esp. genus Echinococcus), found in the body tissue, esp. the liver, of many animals adj. of …   English World dictionary

  • hydatid — n. a bladder like cyst formed in various human tissues following the growth of the larval stage of an Echinococcus tapeworm. E. granulosus produces a single large fluid filled cyst, called unilocular hydatid, which gives rise internally to… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • hydatid — /huy deuh tid/, Pathol. n. 1. a cyst with watery contents that is produced in humans and animals by a tapeworm in the larval state; cysticerus. 2. a cystic vestige of an embryonic feature. adj. 3. Also, hydatidinous. of or pertaining to a hydatid …   Universalium

  • hydatid — hy•da•tid [[t]ˈhaɪ də tɪd[/t]] n. 1) pat a cyst with watery contents that is produced by a tapeworm larva, esp. of the genus Echinococcus[/ex] 2) pat a cystic vestige of an embryonic feature 3) pat Also, hy da•tid′i•nous. of or pertaining to a… …   From formal English to slang

  • hydatid —   n. fluid filled cyst, especially containing tape worm larva.    ♦ hydatidinous, a.    ♦ hydatiform, a. like a hydatid.    ♦ hydatigenous, a. producing hydatid …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • hydatid — Cysticerce Cys ti*cerce (s?s t? s?rs), Cysticercus Cys ti*cer cus ( s?r k?s), n. [NL. cysticercus, fr. Gr. ???? bladder + ke rkos tail: cf. F. cysticerque.] (Zo[ o]l.) The larval form of a tapeworm, having the head and neck of a tapeworm attached …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hydatid — noun Etymology: Greek hydatid , hydatis watery cyst, from hydat , hydōr Date: 1683 the larval cyst of a tapeworm (genus Echinococcus) occurring as a fluid filled sac containing daughter cysts in which scolices develop …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • hydatid disease — n a form of echinococcosis caused by the development of hydatids of a tapeworm of the genus Echinococcus (E. granulosus) in the tissues esp. of the liver or lungs of humans and some domestic animals (as sheep and dogs) * * * (hydatidosis,… …   Medical dictionary

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