homogametic — HOMOGAMÉTIC, Ă adj. (despre sex) care dă naştere la homogameţi. (< fr. homogamétique) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
homogametic — adj. describing the sex that produces only one kind of gamete, which carries the same sex chromosome, and that therefore does not determine the sex of the offspring. In humans women are the homogametic sex: each egg cell carries an X chromosome.… … The new mediacal dictionary
homogametic — Producing similar gametes with regard to the sex chromosomes. In mammals, the female is homogametic (XX), and the male is heterogametic (XY) … Glossary of Biotechnology
Homogametic sex — refers to the gender of a species in which both sex chromosomes are identical. For example, in humans, females, with two X sex chromosomes, would be referred to as the homogametic sex while males, with an X and a Y sex chromosome, would be… … Wikipedia
homogametic sex — homogametinė lytis statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Lytis, kurios individas gamina vieno tipo gametas. atitikmenys: angl. homogametic sex rus. гомогаметный пол … Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas
homogametic — adjective Date: 1910 forming gametes which all have the same type of sex chromosome … New Collegiate Dictionary
homogametic — adj. [Gr. homos, same; gamete, wife] Pertaining to sexual form that gives rise to the same type of sexual gamete in meiosis; in xx xy and xx xo systems usually found in the female; see heterogametic … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
homogametic — /hoh moh geuh met ik, hom oh /, adj. Genetics. producing only one type of gamete with respect to sex chromosomes. Cf. heterogametic. [1905 10; HOMO + GAMETIC] * * * … Universalium
homogametic — adjective That produces, or contains only one type of sex chromosome Ant: heterogametic … Wiktionary
homogametic — adj. producing only one kind of gamete (Biology) … English contemporary dictionary