- histotoxic
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adj.poisonous to tissues: applied to certain substances and conditions.* * *
his·to·tox·ic (hisґto-tok″sik) [histo- + toxic] poisonous to tissue or tissues.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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his·to·tox·ic (hisґto-tok″sik) [histo- + toxic] poisonous to tissue or tissues.Medical dictionary. 2011.
histotoxic — HISTOTÓXIC, Ă, histotoxici, ce, adj., s.n. (Substanţă) care distruge ţesuturile. – Din fr. histotoxique. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 HISTOTÓXIC, Ă adj., s.n. (Substanţă) care distruge ţesuturile. [< fr. histotoxique]. Trimis de … Dicționar Român
histotoxic — |histə+ adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary hist + toxic 1. : toxic to tissues histotoxic agents 2. : of, relating to, or caused by a histotoxin the development of a histotoxic anoxia … Useful english dictionary
Histotoxic hypoxia — is the inability of cells to take up or utilize oxygen from the bloodstream, despite physiologically normal delivery of oxygen to such cells and tissues. Histotoxic hypoxia results from tissue poisoning, such as that caused by alcohol, narcotics … Wikipedia
histotoxic anoxia — n anoxia caused by poisoning of the tissues (as by alcohol) that impairs their ability to utilize oxygen * * * particularly severe histotoxic hypoxia … Medical dictionary
histotoxic hypoxia — n a deficiency of oxygen reaching the bodily tissues due to impairment of cellular respiration esp. by a toxic agent (as cyanide or alcohol) * * * hypoxia due to impaired utilization of oxygen by tissues … Medical dictionary
histotoxic anoxia — histotoxic anoxia, a condition caused by poisons, such as cyanide, in which body tissue is incapable of using the oxygen supply of the blood … Useful english dictionary
histotoxic — his·to·toxic … English syllables
histotoxic — adj. poisonous to tissues: applied to certain substances and conditions … The new mediacal dictionary
Гистотоксичный (Histotoxic) — ядовитый для тканей: данный термин применяется по отношению к некоторым веществам и окружающим условиям. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
ГИСТОТОКСИЧНЫЙ — (histotoxic) ядовитый для тканей: данный термин применяется по отношению к некоторым веществам и окружающим условиям … Толковый словарь по медицине