- heteropyknotic
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het·ero·pyk·not·ic (het″ər-o-pik-notґik) pertaining to or characterized by heteropyknosis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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het·ero·pyk·not·ic (het″ər-o-pik-notґik) pertaining to or characterized by heteropyknosis.Medical dictionary. 2011.
heteropyknosis — n. [Gr. heteros, different; pyknos, dense] Certain chromosomes or regions of chromosomes that are out of phase in their coiling cycle and staining properties; heteropycnotic, heteropyknotic adj … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Heterochromatin — A genetically inactive part of the genome, heterochromatin was so named because it was chromosomal material (chromatin) that stained differently, more darkly, all through the cell cycle, than most chromosomal material (which was named… … Medical dictionary
chromatin — The genetic material of the nucleus, consisting of deoxyribonucleoprotein, which occurs in two forms during the phase between mitotic divisions: 1) as heterochromatin, seen as condensed, readily stainable clumps; 2) as euchromatin, dispersed… … Medical dictionary