- hemodilution
- Increase in the volume of plasma in relation to red blood cells; reduced concentration of red blood cells in the circulation.
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he·mo·di·lu·tion or chiefly Brit hae·mo·di·lu·tion -dī-'lü-shən, -də- n1) decreased concentration (as after hemorrhage) of cells and solids in the blood resulting from gain of fluid compare HEMOCONCENTRATION2) a medical procedure for producing hemodilution esp one performed esp. to reduce the number of red blood cells lost during surgery that involves the preoperative withdrawal of one or more units of whole blood, immediate replacement with an equal volume of intravenous fluid (as saline solution), and postoperative reinfusion of withdrawn blood <\hemodilution can be a safe and cost-effective alternative to preoperative autologous donation (P. V. Holland )(et al)>he·mo·di·lute or chiefly Brit hae·mo·di·lute -'lüt vb, -lut·ed; -lut·ing* * *
he·mo·di·lu·tion (he″mo-di-looґshən) increase of the fluid content of the blood with resulting decrease in concentration of its erythrocytes. See also hypervolemia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.