
Loss of vision for one half of the visual field of one or both eyes. SYN: hemianopsia.
- absolute h. hemianopsia in which the affected field is totally insensitive to all visual stimuli. SYN: complete h..
- altitudinal h. a defect in the visual field in which the upper or lower half is lost; may be unilateral or bilateral.
- binasal h. blindness in the nasal field of vision of both eyes.
- bitemporal h. blindness in the temporal field of vision of both eyes.
- complete h. SYN: absolute h..
- congruous h. hemianopsia in which the visual field defects in both eyes are completely symmetric in extent and intensity.
- crossed h. SYN: heteronymous h..
- heteronymous h. attitudinal h. involving the upper field of one eye and the lower field of the other; or a binasal or bitemporal h.. SYN: crossed h..
- homonymous h. blindness in the corresponding (right or left) field of vision of each eye.
- incomplete h. hemianopsia involving less than half the visual field of each eye.
- incongruous h. an incomplete or asymmetric homonymous hemianopsia.
- pseudo-h. a condition in which individual stimuli are seen correctly, but when the nasal visual field of one eye and the temporal visual field of the fellow eye are stimulated simultaneously, one field is blind. SYN: visual extinction.
- quadrantic h. SYN: quadrantanopia.
- unilateral h. loss of sight in one-half of the visual field of one eye only. SYN: unilocular h..
- unilocular h. SYN: unilateral h..

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hemi·an·o·pia -ə-'nōp-ē-ə or hemi·an·op·sia -ə-'näp-sē-ə n blindness in one half of the visual field of one or both eyes called also hemiopia
hemi·an·op·tic -ə-'näp-tik adj

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absence of half of the normal field of vision. The commonest type is homonymous hemianopia, in which the same half (right or left) is lost in both eyes. Sometimes the inner halves of the visual field are lost in both eyes, producing a binasal hemianopia, while in others the outer halves are lost, producing a bitemporal hemianopia. Very rarely both upper halves or both lower halves are lost, producing an altitudinal hemianopia.

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hemi·an·o·pia (hem″e-ə-noґpe-ə) [hemi- + an-1 + -opia] defective vision or blindness in half of the visual field of one or both eyes; loosely, scotoma in less than half of the visual field of one or both eyes. hemianopic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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