- hematomyelia
- Hemorrhage into the substance of the spinal cord; it is usually a posttraumatic lesion but may also be encountered in instances of spinal cord capillary telangiectases. SYN: hematorrhachis interna, myelapoplexy, myelorrhagia. [hemato- + G. myelos, marrow]
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he·ma·to·my·e·lia or chiefly Brit hae·ma·to·my·e·lia hi-.mat-ə-.mī-'ē-lē-ə, .hē-mət-ō- n a hemorrhage into the spinal cord* * *
he·ma·to·my·elia (he″mə-to-) (hem″ə-to-mi-eґle-ə) [hemato- + myel- + -ia] hemorrhage into the spinal cord, usually confined to the gray substance, most often due to trauma but also seen in arteriovenous malformations; marked by the sudden onset of flaccid paralysis with sensory disturbances.
Medical dictionary. 2011.