
Presence of blood as well as chyle in the urine. [hemato- + G. chylos, juice, + ouron, urine]

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he·ma·to·chy·lu·ria or chiefly Brit hae·ma·to·chy·lu·ria .hē-mə-tə-.kī-'lü-rē-əalso .hem-ə-; hi-.mat-ə- n the simultaneous presence of blood and chyle in the urine

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he·ma·to·chy·lu·ria (he″mə-to-) (hem″ə-to-ki-luґre-ə) [hemato- + chyluria] the discharge of blood and chyle with the urine, a symptom of filariasis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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