- hemangioblastoma
- A benign neoplasm frequently arising in the cerebellum composed of capillary vessel–forming endothelial cells and stromal cells; a slowly growing tumor that affects, primarily, middle-aged individuals; increased incidence in von Hippel-Lindau disease. SYN: angioblastoma, Lindau tumor.
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hem·an·gio·blas·to·ma .hē-.man-jē-ō-(.)blas-'tō-mə or chiefly Brit haem·an·gio·blas·to·ma n, pl -mas also -ma·ta -mət-ə a hemangioma esp. of the cerebellum that tends to be associated with von Hippel-Lindau disease* * *
he·man·gio·blas·to·ma (he-man″je-o-blas-toґmə) [hem- + angioblast + -oma] a benign blood vessel tumor of the cerebellum, spinal cord, or retina, consisting of proliferated blood vessel cells and angioblasts. Called also angioblastoma and Lindau tumor.
Medical dictionary. 2011.