- Dysfunction
- Difficult function or abnormal function. There is, for example: Constitutional hepatic dysfunction, (familial nonhemolytic jaundice), Dental dysfunction (abnormal functioning of dental structures), Minimal brain dysfunction (attention deficit disorder), Placental dysfunction (dysmature placenta), Psychosexual dysfunction, and Sexual dysfunction (a disturbance of sexual functioning). Erectile dysfunction has become a common term thanks to the advent (and advertising) of Viagra. Erectile dysfunction is a consistent inability to sustain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse.
* * *- papillary muscle d. impaired function of a papillary muscle, usually due to ischemia or infarction, with resulting incompetence of the mitral (rarely tricuspid) valve. SYN: papillary muscle syndrome.- psychosexual d., sexual d. a disturbance of sexual functioning, e.g., impotence, premature ejaculation, anorgasmia, presumed to be of psychological rather than physical etiology.- sphincter of Oddi d. structural or functional abnormality of the sphincter of Oddi that interferes with bile or pancreatic duct drainage. SYN: biliary dyskinesia.- temporomandibular joint d. (TMD, TMJ) chronic or impaired function of the temporomandibular articulation. See temporomandibular arthrosis, myofascial pain-d. syndrome.
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dys·func·tion also dis·func·tion (')dis-'fəŋ(k)-shən n impaired or abnormal functioning (as of an organ of the body) see MINIMAL BRAIN DYSFUNCTIONdys·func·tion·al -shnəl, -shən-əl adjdys·func·tion·ing -shə-niŋ n* * *
dys·func·tion (dis-funkґshən) disturbance, impairment, or abnormality of the functioning of an organ.
Medical dictionary. 2011.