- Haemogregarina
- A sporozoan coccidian genus (order Eucoccidiida, family Haemogregarinidae) that parasitizes the blood cells of cold-blooded animals and the digestive system of invertebrate primary hosts in an obligatory two-host cycle. [G. haima, blood, + L. grex, a flock]
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Hae·mo·greg·a·ri·na .hē-mō-.greg-ə-'rī-nə, .hem-ō-, -.rē-nə n a genus (the type of the family Haemogregarinidae) of sporozoan parasites of the order Coccidia that at different stages of their life cycle parasitize the circulatory system of vertebrates and the digestive tract of invertebrateshae·mo·greg·a·rine or he·mo·greg·a·rine -'greg-ə-.rīn, -.rēn, -rin adj or n* * *
Hae·mo·greg·a·ri·na (he″mo-greg″ə-riґnə) [hemo- + L. gregarius crowding together] a genus of coccidian protozoa (suborder Adeleina, order Eucoccidiida) in which the life cycle involves two hosts, the vertebrate circulatory system (e.g., reptiles, amphibians, birds, certain mammals) and the invertebrate digestive system (e.g., blood-sucking invertebrates such as an insect or leech).
Medical dictionary. 2011.