- h
* * *bacterial antigen in serologic classification of bacteria [Ger. Hauch, breath]; deflection in the His bundle in electrogram [spike]; dose equivalent; draft [Lat. haustus]; electrically induced spinal reflex; enthalpy; fucosal transferase-producing gene; heart; heavy [strand]; height; hemagglutination; hemisphere; hemolysis; henry; heparin; heroin; high; hippocampus; histidine; Histoplasma; histoplasmosis; Holzknecht unit; homosexual; horizontal; hormone; horse; hospital; Hounsfield unit; hour; human; hydrogen; hydrolysis; hygiene; hyoscine; hypermetropia; hyperopia; hypodermic; hypothalamus; magnetic field strength; magnetization; mustard gas; oersted; the region of a sarcomere containing only myosin filaments [band; Ger. heller, lighter]
* * *
H abbr heroinH symbol hydrogen* * *
Hauch; henry; histidine; hydrogen; hyperopia; Hounsfield unit.
Medical dictionary. 2011.