- gynandroblastoma
- 1. SYN: Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor. 2. A rare variety of arrhenoblastoma of the ovary, containing granulosa or theca cell elements and producing simultaneous androgenic and estrogenic effects.
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gyn·an·dro·blas·to·ma (.)gīn-.an-drə-bla-'stō-mə, (.)jin- n, pl -mas also -ma·ta -mət-ə a rare tumor of the ovary with both masculinizing and feminizing effects compare ARRHENOBLASTOMA* * *
gy·nan·dro·blas·to·ma (gi-) (jə-nan″dro-blas-toґmə) [gyn- + andro- + blastoma] a rare ovarian tumor containing histologic features of both arrhenoblastoma and granulosa cell tumor.
Medical dictionary. 2011.