
An infectious granuloma that is characteristic of tertiary syphilis, but does not always develop, and that may be solitary (as large as 810 cm in diameter) or multiple and diffusely scattered (1 mm or less in diameter). Gummas are characterized by an irregular central portion that is firm, sometimes partially hyalinized, and consisting of coagulative necrosis in whichghostsof structures may be recognized; a poorly defined middle zone of epithelioid cells, with occasional multinucleated giant cells; and a peripheral zone of fibroblasts and numerous capillaries, with infiltrated lymphocytes and plasma cells. As gummas become older, an irregular scar or rounded fibrous nodule persists. SYN: syphiloma. [L. gummi, gum, fr. G. kommi]

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gum·ma 'gəm-ə n, pl gummas also gum·ma·ta 'gəm-ət-ə a tumor of gummy or rubbery consistency that is characteristic of the tertiary stage of syphilis
gum·ma·tous -ət-əs adj

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a small soft tumour, characteristic of the tertiary stage of syphilis, that occurs in connective tissue, the liver, brain, testes, heart, or bone.

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gum·ma (gumґə) pl. gummas, gumґmata [L. gummi gum] 1. a chronic focal area of inflammatory destruction in tertiary syphilis from localization of Treponema pallidum in a tissue. The lesion is indolent and has a center of rubbery, gray-white coagulation necrosis surrounded by epithelioid cells, fibroblastic cells, and sometimes giant cells. Gummata vary in size from microscopic to large and tumorlike; they may be single or multiple and may involve any organ or tissue, although most commonly they affect mucocutaneous tissues, the liver, bones, or testes. Called also syphiloma. 2. late benign syphilis.

Gumma of the palate.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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