- gum
- 1. The dried exuded sap from a number of trees and shrubs, forming an amorphous brittle mass; it usually forms a mucilaginous solution in water and is often used as a suspending agent in liquid preparations of insoluble drugs. [L. gummi] 2. gingiva. [A.S. goma, jaw] 3. Water-soluble glycans, often containing uronic acids, found in many plants.- Bassora g. a g. from Iran and Turkey, resembling tragacanth, acacia, and the gummy exudate of cherry and plum trees; used in making storax.- eucalyptus g. a dried gummy exudation from Eucalyptus rostrata and other species of Eucalyptus (family Myrtaceae); used as an astringent (in gargles and troches) and as an antidiarrheal agent. SYN: red g..- ghatti g. SYN: Indian g..- guar g. the ground endosperms of Cyamopsis tetragonolobus; used in pharmaceutical jelly formulations.- Indian g. an exudation from Anogeisus latifolia (family Combrettaceae); the mucilage is used as a substitute for acacia mucilage. SYN: ghatti g..- karaya g. SYN: sterculia g..- locust g. SYN: algaroba.- red g. SYN: eucalyptus g..- senegal g. the g. of Acacia senegal. See acacia.- sterculia g. the dried gummy exudation from Sterculia urens, S. villosa, S. tragacantha, or other species of Sterculia, or from Cochlospermum gossypium or other species of Cochlospermum (family Bixaceae); used as a hydrophilic laxative and in the manufacture of lotions and pastes. SYN: karaya g..- wheat g. SYN: gluten.* * *genitourinary medicine
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gum 'gəm n the tissue that surrounds the necks of teeth and covers the alveolar parts of the jaws broadly the alveolar portion of a jaw with its enveloping soft tissuesgum vt, gummed; gum·ming to chew with the gumsgum n1) any of numerous colloidal polysaccharide substances of plant origin that are gelatinous when moist but harden on drying and are salts of complex organic acids compare MUCILAGE2) any of various plant exudates (as a mucilage, oleoresin, or gum resin)* * *
n.* * *
(gum) [L. gummi] 1. a mucilaginous excretion from various plants; on hydrolysis gums yield hexoses, pentoses, and uronic acids. 2. gingiva.
Medical dictionary. 2011.