- granulopoiesis
- Production of granulocytes. In adults, granulocytes are produced chiefly in the red bone marrow of flat bones. SYN: granulocytopoiesis. [granulo(cyte) + G. poiesis, a making]
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gran·u·lo·poi·e·sis -(.)lō-.pȯi-'ē-səs n, pl -e·ses -.sēz the formation of blood granulocytes typically in the bone marrow called also granulocytopoiesis* * *
n.the process of production of granulocyte, which normally occurs in the blood-forming tissue of the bone marrow. Granulocytes are ultimately derived from a haemopoietic stem cell, but the earliest precursor that can be identified microscopically is the myeloblast. This divides and passes through a series of stages of maturation termed respectively promyelocyte, myelocyte, and metamyelocyte, before becoming a mature granulocyte. See also haemopoiesis.* * *
gran·u·lo·poi·e·sis (gran″u-lo-poi-eґsis) [granulocyte + -poiesis] the production or formation of granulocytes; see also granulocytic series, under series. Called also granulocytopoiesis. granulopoietic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.