
An operation for congenital glaucoma in which a puncture is made in the filtration angle of the anterior chamber.

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go·nio·punc·ture 'gō-nē-ə-.pəŋ(k)-chər n a surgical operation for congenital glaucoma that involves making a puncture into the sclera with a knife at the site of discharge of aqueous fluid at the periphery of the anterior chamber of the eye

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a rarely performed operation for congenital glaucoma (see buphthalmos) to enable fluid to be drawn from the eye. Using a fine knife, an incision is made from within the eye into Schlemm's canal, at the junction of the cornea and sclera, and continued outwards until the knife appears beneath the conjunctiva. This creates a pathway for fluid to drain from the anterior chamber of the eye to the subconjunctival tissue. The tip of the knife within the eye is observed through a special contact lens.

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go·nio·punc·ture (go″ne-o-punkґchər) [gonio- + puncture] an infrequently used filtering operation for glaucoma, done by inserting a knife blade through clear cornea just within the limbus, across the anterior chamber, and through the opposite corneoscleral wall.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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