
A genus of spiruroid nematodes that parasitize the alimentary canal of birds and mammals; transmitted via various insects, especially beetles, carrying the encysted infective larvae. Several species are of veterinary importance, and one is also known to parasitize humans. [Gr. gongylos, round, + nema, thread]
- G. pulchrum the gullet worm of cattle; a species that penetrates the submucosa of the esophagus or rumen of many domestic and wild ruminants, pigs, bears, and humans (human cases are chiefly caused by immature worms); it is transmitted by coprophagous beetles and is of worldwide distribution.

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Gon·gy·lo·ne·ma (gon″jĭ-lo-neґmə) [Gr. gongylos round + nema] a genus of nematodes of the superfamily Spiruroidea; infections cause only mild symptoms if any at all, but the meat of slaughtered animals must be discarded. G. ingluviґcola infects chickens. G. neoplasґticum infects rats and other laboratory rodents. G. pulґchrum (called also G. scutaґtum) infects the esophageal and oral mucous membranes of sheep, goats, cattle, pigs, and sometimes humans.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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