
Benign neoplasm composed of germ cells, sex cord, stromal cells; appears in cases of mixed or pure gonadal dysgenesis; usually small (1–3 cm) and partially calcified, but may give rise to malignant germ-cell tumors, most often seminoma/dysgerminoma or embryonal.

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go·na·do·blas·to·ma (go″nə-do-blas-toґmə) a rare benign type of germ cell tumor, usually arising in dysgenetic gonads, often bilaterally. It contains all gonadal elements, including germ cells, sex cord derivatives, and stromal derivatives and is frequently associated with an abnormal chromosomal karyotype. It may give rise to development of a dysgerminoma or other more malignant germ cell tumor.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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