Glycocalyx — is a general term referring to extracellular polymeric material produced by some bacteria, epithelia and other cells. The slime on the outside of a fish is considered a glycocalyx. The term was initially applied to the polysaccharide matrix… … Wikipedia
Glycocalyx — Le glycocalyx (ou feutrage micro fibrillaire, cell coat ou encore glycolemme) est un élément ubiquitaire (présent chez tous les types cellulaires eucaryotes) proposant une protection à la membrane externe de la cellule. Il est composé d une… … Wikipédia en Français
Glycocalyx — glikokaliksas statusas T sritis histologija, ląstelių chemija, histologinė chemija, audinių kultūra atitikmenys: lot. Glycocalyx ryšiai: platesnis terminas – ląstelės apvalkalas … Veterinarinės anatomijos, histologijos ir embriologijos terminai
Glycocalyx — Die Glykokalyx, auch Kapsel oder Schleimhülle genannt, ist eine Schicht an der Außenfläche der Zellmembran bei eukaryotischen Zellen, aber auch an der Außenseite der Zellwand bei prokaryotischen Zellen. Sie besteht aus Polysacchariden, die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
glycocalyx — n. [Gr. glykys, sweet; kalyx, covering] 1. A filamentous layer containing carbohydrate, found on the outer surface of many cells. 2. (ACANTHOCEPHALA) Formerly known as epicuticle … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
glycocalyx — (gli ko kal iks) A network of polysaccharides extending from the surface of bacteria and other cells … Dictionary of microbiology
glycocalyx — The region, seen by electron microscopy, external to the outer dense line of the plasma membranethat appears to be rich in glycosidic compounds such as proteoglycans and glycoproteins. Since these molecules are often integral membrane proteins… … Dictionary of molecular biology
glycocalyx — noun A filamentous coating of glycoprotein and polysaccharide on the surface of bacteria and some other cells … Wiktionary
glycocalyx — gly·co·calyx … English syllables
glycocalyx — ¦glīkōˌ noun Etymology: glyc + calyx : a polysaccharide or glycoprotein covering on a cell surface … Useful english dictionary