
The simplest amino acid; a major component of gelatin and silk fibroin; used as a nutrient and dietary supplement, and in solution for irrigation; used in the treatment of sweaty feet syndrome. SYN: gelatin sugar.
- g. acyltransferase an enzyme catalyzing the reversible transfer of an acyl group from acyl-CoA to g., producing free coenzyme A and N-acylglycine; a step in a detoxification pathway.
- g. amidinotransferase an enzyme catalyzing the transfer of an amidine group from l-arginine to g., forming guanidinoacetate and l-ornithine; an important reaction in creatine biosynthesis; it can also act on canavanine. SYN: g. transamidinase.
- g. betaine SYN: betaine.
- g. cleavage complex a complex of several proteins that catalyze the reversible reaction of g. with tetrahydrofolate to produce CO2, NH3, and N5,N10-methylenetetrahydrofolate; a deficiency of this enzyme (or one of its subunits) will result in nonketotic hyperglycinemia. SYN: g. synthase.
- g. dehydrogenases enzymes that catalyze the conversion of g. to glyoxylate and ammonia, using either NAD+ or ferricytochrome c.
- g. transamidinase SYN: g. amidinotransferase.

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gly·cine 'glī-.sēn, 'glīs-ən n a sweet crystalline nonessential amino acid C2H5NO2 that is a neurotransmitter which induces inhibition of postsynaptic neurons, is obtained by hydrolysis of proteins or is prepared synthetically, and is used in the form of its salt as an antacid or in aqueous solution as an irrigating fluid in transurethral surgery abbr. Gly called also aminoacetic acid, glycocoll

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gly·cine (G) (Gly) (gliґsēn) the smallest of the amino acids, a nonessential amino acid occurring as a constituent of many proteins. It is glycogenic, participates in a variety of synthetic reactions such as purine formation, and is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. See table at amino acid. [USP] an official preparation used as a dietary supplement and gastric antacid, and as a bladder irrigation in surgery, particularly in transurethral prostatectomy. Called also aminoacetic acid.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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