glucosan — /glooh keuh san /, n. Biochem. any of a number of polysaccharides that yield glucose upon hydrolysis. [1920 25; GLUCOSE + an, for ANE] * * * … Universalium
Glucosan — Glu|co|san [↑ Gluc u. ↑ osan (2)], das; s, e: ↑ Anhydrozucker, vgl. Glucan … Universal-Lexikon
glucosan — n. polysaccharide, compound sugar (Chemistry) … English contemporary dictionary
glucosan — glu·co·san … English syllables
glucosan — ˈglükəˌsan noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary glucose + an 1. : any of several intramolecular anhydrides C6H10O5 of glucose compare levoglucosan 2. : a hexosan (as dextran or starch) that yields essentially only glucose on… … Useful english dictionary
levoglucosan — |lē(ˌ)vō+ noun Etymology: lev + glucosan : a levorotatory crystalline anhydride C6H10O5 of glucose that is best prepared by treating the beta form of phenyl glucoside with alkali, and that regenerates glucose on heating with water; 1,6 anhydro β… … Useful english dictionary
Glycogen branching enzyme — protein Name=1,4 alpha glucan branching enzyme caption= width= HGNCid=4180 Symbol=GBE1 AltSymbols= EntrezGene=2632 OMIM=607839 RefSeq=NM 000158 UniProt=Q04446 PDB= ECnumber= Chromosome=3 Arm=p Band=12 LocusSupplementaryData=A glycogen… … Wikipedia
glucan — SYN: glucosan. * * * glu·can glü .kan, kən n a polysaccharide (as glycogen or cellulose) that is a polymer of glucose * * * glu·can (glooґkan) any polysaccharide (e.g., glycogen, starch, and cellulose) composed only of recurring units of glucose; … Medical dictionary
glycogen — A glucosan of high molecular weight, resembling amylopectin in structure [with α(1,4) linkages] but with even more highly branched [α(1,6) linkages, as well as a small number of α(1,3) linkages], found in most of the tissues of the body,… … Medical dictionary
Glucan — Glu|can 〈n. 11〉 verzweigtes Polymer der Glucose, z. B. Cellulose * * * Glu|can [↑ Gluc u. ↑ an (3)], das; s, e; veraltete Syn.: Glucosan, Polyglucosan: Gruppenbez. für aus linearen oder verzweigten D Glucose Ketten aufgebaute hochmol.… … Universal-Lexikon