
An amino sugar found in chitin, cell membranes, and mucopolysaccharides generally; used as a pharmaceutic aid.

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glu·cos·amine glü-'--.mēn, -- n an amino derivative C6H13NO5 of glucose that occurs esp. as a constituent of polysaccharides (as chitin) in animal supporting structures and some plant cell walls

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the amino sugar of glucose, i.e. glucose in which the hydroxyl group is replaced by an amino group. Glucosamine is a component of mucopolysaccharide and glycoprotein: for example, hyaluronic acid, a mucopolysaccharide found in synovial fluid, and heparin.

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glu·co·sa·mine (gloo-kōsґə-mēn) the amino sugar derivative of glucose, substituted at the 2 position, occurring in glycosaminoglycans and a variety of complex polysaccharides such as blood group substances. It is generally acetylated (N-acetylglucosamine).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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