- glandula
- glandulae areolares [TA] SYN: areolar glands, under gland.- g. atrabiliaris SYN: suprarenal gland.- g. basilaris SYN: pituitary gland.- glandulae bronchiales [TA] SYN: bronchial glands, under gland.- glandulae buccales [TA] SYN: buccal glands, under gland.- g. bulbourethralis [TA] SYN: bulbourethral gland.- glandulae ceruminosae 1. SYN: ceruminous glands, under gland. 2. tubuloalveolar glands of the external auditory meatus believed to be modified apocrine sweat glands; they secrete the waxy substance cerumen.- glandulae cervicales uteri [TA] SYN: cervical glands, under gland.- glandulae ciliares [TA] SYN: ciliary glands, under gland.- glandulae circumanales SYN: circumanal glands, under gland.- glandulae conjunctivales [TA] SYN: conjunctival glands, under gland.- glandulae duodenales [TA] SYN: duodenal glands, under gland.- glandulae endocrinae [TA] SYN: endocrine glands, under gland.- glandulae esophageae SYN: esophageal glands, under gland.- glandulae gastricae [TA] SYN: gastric glands, under gland.- glandulae glomiformes 1. SYN: glomus (2). 2. tubular glands of the skin, the blind extremity of which is coiled in the form of a ball or glomerulus; collective term for small eccrine and large apocrine sweat glands.- glandulae intestinales [TA] SYN: intestinal glands, under gland.- glandulae intestini crassi [TA] SYN: glands of large intestine, under gland.- glandulae intestini tenuis [TA] SYN: glands of small intestine, under gland.- glandulae labiales [TA] SYN: labial glands, under gland.- g. lacrimalis [TA] SYN: lacrimal gland.- glandulae laryngeae [TA] SYN: laryngeal glands, under gland.- g. mammaria [TA] SYN: mammary gland.- glandulae molares [TA] SYN: molar glands, under gland.- glandulae nasales [TA] SYN: nasal glands, under gland.- glandulae olfactoriae [TA] SYN: olfactory glands, under gland.- glandulae oris [TA] SYN: glands of mouth, under gland.- glandulae palatinae [TA] SYN: palatine glands, under gland.- g. parathyroidea [TA] SYN: parathyroid gland.- g. parotidea [TA] SYN: parotid gland.- g. parotis SYN: parotid gland.- glandulae pharyngeales [TA] SYN: pharyngeal glands, under gland.- g. pinealis [TA] SYN: pineal body.- g. pituitaria pituitary gland.- glandulae preputiales [TA] SYN: preputial glands, under gland.- g. prostatica SYN: prostate.- glandulae pyloricae [TA] SYN: pyloric glands, under gland.- g. salivaria [TA] SYN: salivary gland.- glandulae sebaceae [TA] SYN: sebaceous glands, under gland.- g. seromucosa SYN: seromucous gland.- glandulae sine ductibus SYN: endocrine glands, under gland.- g. sublingualis [TA] SYN: sublingual gland.- g. submandibularis [TA] SYN: submandibular gland.- glandulae sudoriferae [TA] SYN: sweat glands, under gland.- glandulae suprarenales accessoriae [TA] SYN: accessory suprarenal glands, under gland.- g. suprarenalis [TA] SYN: suprarenal gland.- glandulae tarsales [TA] SYN: tarsal glands, under gland.- glandulae tracheales [TA] SYN: tracheal glands, under gland.- glandulae uterinae [TA] SYN: uterine glands, under gland.- g. vesiculosa [TA] SYN: seminal gland.- glandulae vestibulares minores [TA] SYN: lesser vestibular glands, under gland.
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glan·du·la (glanґdu-lə) gen. and pl. glanґdulae [L.] gland: an aggregation of cells, specialized to secrete or excrete materials not related to their ordinary metabolic needs.Descriptions of glands are given on TA terms, and include anglicized names of specific glands.
Medical dictionary. 2011.