
The dense fibrous tissue and overlying mucous membrane, which envelop the alveolar processes of the upper and lower jaws and surrounds the necks of the teeth. SYN: gum (2) . [L.]
- alveolar g. gingival tissue applied to the alveolar bone.
- attached g. that part of the oral mucosa which is firmly bound to the tooth and alveolar process.
- buccal g. that portion of the g. that covers the buccal surfaces of the teeth and alveolar process.
- free g. that portion of the g. that surrounds the tooth and is not directly attached to the tooth surface; the outer wall of the gingival sulcus.
- labial g. that portion of the g. that covers the labial surfaces of the teeth and the alveolar process.
- lingual g. that portion of the g. that covers the lingual surfaces of the teeth and the alveolar process.
- septal g. that portion of the g. that covers the interdental septum.

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gin·gi·va 'jin--, jin-'- n, pl -vae -. GUM
gin·gi·val 'jin--vəl adj

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n. (pl. gingivae)
the gum: the layer of dense connective tissue and overlying mucous membrane that covers the alveolar bone and necks of the teeth.
gingival adj.

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gin·gi·va (jinґjĭ-və) (jin-jiґvə) pl. ginґgivae [L. âœgum of the mouthâ] [TA] gum: that part of the oral mucosa overlying the crowns of unerupted teeth and encircling the necks of those that have erupted, serving as the supporting structure for subjacent tissues. It is formed by pale pink tissue immovably attached to the bone and the teeth, which joins the alveolar mucosa at the mucogingival junction. gingival adj

Gingiva and alveolar mucosa.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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