
Inflammation, especially mucosal, of the stomach. [gastr- + G. -itis, inflammation]
- alkaline reflux g. an inflammation of the gastric mucosa believed to be caused by irritating factors that reflux from the intestine into the stomach; most common after a procedure that resects or ablates the pylorus. SYN: bile g..
- atrophic g. chronic g. with atrophy of the mucous membrane and destruction of the peptic glands, sometimes associated with pernicious anemia or gastric carcinoma; also applied to gastric atrophy without inflammatory changes.
- bile g. SYN: alkaline reflux g..
- catarrhal g. g. with excessive secretion of mucus.
- g. cystica polyposa large sessile mucosal polyps arising in the stomach proximal to an old gastroenterostomy.
- eosinophilic g. SYN: eosinophilic gastroenteritis.
- exfoliative g. g. with excessive shedding of mucosal epithelial cells.
- hypertrophic g. SYN: Ménétrier disease.
- interstitial g. inflammation of the stomach involving the submucosa and muscle coats.
- polypous g. a form of chronic g., in which there is irregular atrophy of the mucous membrane with cystic glands giving rise to a knobby or polypous appearance of the surface.
- pseudomembranous g. g. characterized by the formation of a false membrane.
- sclerotic g. a fibrous thickening of the walls of the stomach with diminution in the capacity of the organ.

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gas·tri·tis ga-'strīt-əs n inflammation esp. of the mucous membrane of the stomach

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inflammation of the lining (mucosa) of the stomach. Acute gastritis is caused by ingesting excess alcohol or other irritating or corrosive substances, resulting in vomiting. Chronic gastritis is associated with smoking and chronic alcoholism and may be caused by bile entering the stomach from the duodenum, but most cases are caused by the bacterium Helicobacter . It has no definite symptoms, but the patient is liable to develop gastric ulcers or gastric cancer. Atrophic gastritis, in which the stomach lining is atrophied, may succeed chronic gastritis but may occur spontaneously as an autoimmune disease.

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gas·tri·tis (gas-triґtis) [gastr- + -itis] inflammation of the stomach. gastritic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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