
1. A thin fluid, like air, capable of indefinite expansion but convertible by compression and cold into a liquid and, eventually, a solid. 2. In clinical practice, a liquid entirely in its vapor phase at one atmosphere of pressure because ambient temperature is above its boiling point. [coined by J.B. van Helmont, Flemish chemist and physician, 1577–1644]
- alveolar g. (symbol subscript A) the g. in the pulmonary alveoli, where O2-CO2 exchange with pulmonary capillary blood occurs. SYN: alveolar air.
- anesthetic g. inhalation anesthetic.
- blood gases a clinical expression for the determination of the partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood.
- expired g. 1. any g. that has been expired from the lungs; 2. often used synonymously with mixed expired g..
- ideal alveolar g. the uniform composition of g. that would exist in all alveoli for a given total respiratory exchange if all alveoli had identical ventilation-perfusion ratios and achieved perfect equilibrium with the blood leaving the pulmonary capillaries.
- inert gases SYN: noble gases.
- inspired g. (I) (symbol subscript I) 1. any g. that is being inhaled; 2. specifically, that g. after it has been humidified at body temperature.
- laughing g. a historical term for nitrous oxide. [so called because its inhalation sometimes excites a hilarious delirium preceding insensibility]
- marsh g. SYN: methane.
- mixed expired g. one or more complete breaths of expired g. coming thoroughly mixed from the dead space and the alveoli.
- mustard g. (HD) a poisonous vesicating g. introduced in World War I; it is the progenitor of the so-called nitrogen mustards; used in chemical warfare; a known carcinogen. SYN: di(2-chloroethyl)sulfide, mustard (2), sulfur mustard.
- noble gases elements in the zero group in the periodic series : helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. SYN: inert gases.
- sewer g. g., probably mostly methane, resulting from decomposition of organic matter in sewers; potentially explosive and toxic.
- sneezing g. SYN: sternutator.
- suffocating g. a g., such as chlorine or phosgene, that causes intense irritation of the bronchial tubes and lungs, resulting in pulmonary edema.
- tear g. a g., such as acetone, benzene bromide, and xylol, that causes irritation of the conjunctiva and profuse lacrimation. SEE ALSO: lacrimator.
- vesicating g. a g., such as mustard g., which upon contact with the skin causes vesication and sloughing; inhalation may result in bronchopneumonia.
- vomiting g. a g., such as chloropicrin, that can cause vomiting and gastrointestinal disorders such as colic and diarrhea.
- water g. an illuminating and fuel g. produced by passing steam over red-hot coal; consists chiefly of hydrogen, hydrocarbons, and carbon monoxide.
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galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome; gastric acid secretion; gastrin; gastroenterology; general adaptation syndrome; General Anxiety Scale; generalized arteriosclerosis; global anxiety score; global assessment scale; goal attainment scale; group A Streptococcus; growth arrest-specific [gene]

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GAS abbr general adaptation syndrome

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(gas) any elastic aeriform fluid in which the molecules are separated from one another and so have free paths.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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