- gangosa
- A destructive ulceration beginning on the soft palate and extending thence to the hard palate, nasopharynx, and nose, resulting in mutilating cicatrices. The disease, so far as is known, occurs only in certain portions of the tropics, especially the islands of the Pacific, and is generally regarded as a sequel to yaws. [Sp. gangoso, snuffling]
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gan·go·sa gaŋ-'gō-sə n a destructive ulcerative condition believed to be a manifestation of yaws that usu. originates about the soft palate and spreads into the hard palate, nasal structures, and outward to the face, eroding intervening bone, cartilage, and soft tissues compare GOUNDOU* * *
n.a lesion that occasionally appears in the final stage of yaws, involving considerable destruction of the tissues of both the hard palate and the nose.
Medical dictionary. 2011.