- ganglioneuroma
- A benign neoplasm composed of mature ganglionic neurons, in varying numbers, scattered singly or in clumps within a relatively abundant and dense stroma of neurofibrils and collagenous fibers; usually found in the posterior mediastinum and retroperitoneum, sometimes in relation to the adrenal glands. SYN: ganglioma. [ganglion + G. neuron, nerve, + -oma, tumor]- dumbbell g. a g. in which the gross configuration resembles a dumbbell, e.g., two spheroidal masses connected by a narrow portion, usually the result of the neoplasm being somewhat molded by a resistant structure such as two ribs.
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gan·glio·neu·ro·ma -(.)ō-n(y)u̇-'rō-mə n, pl -mas also -ma·ta -mət-ə a neuroma derived from ganglion cells* * *
gan·glio·neu·ro·ma (gang″gle-o-n-roґmə) a benign neoplasm composed of nerve fibers and mature ganglion cells; regarded by many as a fully differentiated neuroblastoma. Called also gangliocytoma, ganglioma, neurocytoma, and ganglionar, ganglionated, or ganglionic neuroma. See also ganglioglioma and ganglioneurofibroma.
Medical dictionary. 2011.