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fungicidin — nystatin ystatin n. [From NY state + in, due to its discovery in New York State.] An antifungal antibiotic, extracted from fermentation broths of the soil actinomycete {Streptomyces noursei} and other actinomycetes; called also {fungicidin}. It… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fungicidin — fun·gi·ci·din … English syllables
fungicidin — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|sīdən noun ( s) Etymology: fungicide + in : nystatin … Useful english dictionary
nystatin — An antibiotic substance isolated from cultures of Streptomyces noursei, effective in the treatment of all forms of candidiasis, particularly candidal infections of the intestine, skin, and mucous membranes. SYN: fungicidin. [New York State + in]… … Medical dictionary
C47H75NO17 — nystatin ystatin n. [From NY state + in, due to its discovery in New York State.] An antifungal antibiotic, extracted from fermentation broths of the soil actinomycete {Streptomyces noursei} and other actinomycetes; called also {fungicidin}. It… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nystatin — ystatin n. [From NY state + in, due to its discovery in New York State.] An antifungal antibiotic, extracted from fermentation broths of the soil actinomycete {Streptomyces noursei} and other actinomycetes; called also {fungicidin}. It is a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Streptomyces noursei — nystatin ystatin n. [From NY state + in, due to its discovery in New York State.] An antifungal antibiotic, extracted from fermentation broths of the soil actinomycete {Streptomyces noursei} and other actinomycetes; called also {fungicidin}. It… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
НИСТАТИН — Действующее вещество ›› Нистатин* (Nystatin*) Латинское название Nystatin АТХ: ›› A07AA02 Нистатин Фармакологическая группа: Противогрибковые средства Состав и форма выпуска Суппозитории для ректального применения1 супп.нистатин250000 ЕД 500000… … Словарь медицинских препаратов
Nystatinum — НИСТАТИН ( Nystatinum ). 19 Микозаминилнистатинолид. Является антибиотическим веществом, продуцируемым актиномицетом Streptomyces noursei. Относится к антибиотикам полиеновой группы. Синонимы: Anticandine, Fungicidin, Fungistatin, Mikostatin,… … Словарь медицинских препаратов
Nystatin — Nys|ta|tin [Kurzw. aus New York State (Ort der Entdeckung) u. ↑ in (3)]; veraltetes Syn.: Fungicidin: aus Streptomycesstämmen isolierbares Polyen Makrolid Antibiotikum, das lokal als Antimykotikum angewendet wird. * * * Nystatin [Kurzwort] das … Universal-Lexikon