- fossula
- 1. [NA] A small fossa. 2. A minor fissure or slight depression on the surface of the cerebrum. SYN: fossette (1). [L. dim. of fossa, ditch]- f. fenestrae cochleae [TA] SYN: fossa of round window.- petrosal f. [TA] a small and often only faintly marked depression on the inferior surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, between the jugular fossa and the opening of the carotid canal; here opens the canaliculus tympanicus transmitting the tympanic nerve. SYN: f. petrosa [TA], petrosal fossa, receptaculum ganglii petrosi.- f. post fenestram the small passage filled with connective tissue posterior to the oval window of the cochlea; a site of predilection for otosclerosis.- f. rotunda SYN: fossa of round window.- tonsillar fossulae [TA] the small pits at the openings of the tonsillar crypts onto the external surface of the tonsil. They occur as palatine and pharyngeal tonsils. SYN: fossulae tonsillarum (palatini et pharyngealis) [TA].- fossulae tonsillarum (palatini et pharyngealis) [TA] SYN: tonsillar fossulae.
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fos·su·la (fosґu-lə) gen. and pl fosґsulae [L., dim. of fossa] a small fossa; a slight depression in the surface of a structure or organ.
Medical dictionary. 2011.