- Florey
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Florey — may refer to several people:* Howard Walter Florey, Nobel Prize winning Australian pharmacologist ** Electoral district of Florey, is a state electoral district in South Australia named after Florey. * Robert Florey, French screenwriter and film… … Wikipedia
Florey — ist der Nachname mehrerer Personen: Howard Walter Florey (1898–1968), australischer Pathologe und Nobelpreisträger Robert Florey (1900–1979), französisch US amerikanischer Regisseur, Autor und Schauspieler Wolfgang Florey (geb. 1945),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Florey — Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide … Scientists
Florey — Florey, sir Howard Walter … Enciclopedia Universal
Florey — [ flɔːrɪ], Sir (seit 1965) Howard Walter, britischer Pathologe, * Adelaide 24. 9. 1898, ✝ Oxford 21. 2. 1968; war 1931 35 Professor in Sheffield, anschließend in Oxford; entwickelte mit E. B. Chain das Penicillin zur Therapiereife (Antibiotika … Universal-Lexikon
Florey — [flôr′ē] Sir Howard Walter 1898 1968; Brit. pathologist, born in Australia: developed penicillin together with Sir Alexander Fleming … English World dictionary
Florey — /ˈflɔri/ (say flawree) noun Howard Walter (Baron of Adelaide and Marston), 1898–1968, Australian scientist; shared the 1945 Nobel prize for physiology and medicine (with Fleming and Chain) for discovery of penicillin. Howard Florey was born in… …
Florey — noun British pathologist who isolated and purified penicillin, which had been discovered in 1928 by Sir Alexander Fleming (1898 1968) • Syn: ↑Howard Florey, ↑Sir Howard Walter Florey • Instance Hypernyms: ↑diagnostician, ↑pathologist … Useful english dictionary
Florey — This interesting and unusual surname is of Norman origin, introduced into England after the Conquest of 1066. Firstly it may derive from the medieval given name Fleuri , from the Old French flur , Middle English flo(u)r , flower. This was also a… … Surnames reference
Florey, Australian Capital Territory — Infobox Australian Place | type = suburb name = Florey state = Australian Capital Territory city = Canberra caption = lga = Belconnen postcode = 2615 est = 1980 propval = $315,000 (2005) [http://allhomes.com.au/c/ah?a=uisu i=296] pop = 5,281… … Wikipedia
Florey Medal — The Florey Medal is an Australian award for biomedical research named in honour of Australian Nobel laureate Howard Florey. The medal is awarded biennially and the recipient receives $25,000 in prize money. The Medal was first awarded in 1998,… … Wikipedia