
1. [TA] Any fringelike structure. SYN: fringe. 2. SYN: pilus (2). [L. fringe]
- f. hippocampi [TA] a narrow sharp-edged crest of white fiber matter, continuous with the alveus hippocampi, attached to the medial border of the hippocampus; composed of efferent fibers of the hippocampus that form the fornix, fibers of the hippocampal commissure, and septohippocampal fibers. SYN: f. of hippocampus [TA], corpus fimbriatum (1), tenia hippocampi.
- f. of hippocampus [TA] SYN: f. hippocampi.
- ovarian f. [TA] the longest of the fimbriae of the uterine tube; it extends from the infundibulum to the ovary. SYN: f. ovarica [TA], infundibulo-ovarian ligament.
- f. ovarica [TA] SYN: ovarian f..
- fimbriae tubae uterinae [TA] SYN: fimbriae of uterine tube.
- fimbriae of uterine tube [TA] the irregularly branched or fringed processes surrounding the ampulla at the abdominal opening of the uterine tube; most of the lining epithelial cells have cilia that beat toward the uterus. SYN: fimbriae tubae uterinae [TA], laciniae tubae.

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fim·bria 'fim-brē-ə n, pl -bri·ae -brē-.ē, -.ī
1) a bordering fringe esp. at the entrance of the fallopian tubes
2) a band of nerve fibers bordering the hippocampus and joining the fornix
3) a pilus of a bacterium
fim·bri·al -brē-əl adj

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n. (pl. fimbriae)
a fringe or fringelike process, such as any of the finger-like projections that surround the opening of the ovarian end of the Fallopian tube.
fimbrial adj.

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fim·bria (fimґbre-ə) [L. fimbriae (pl.) a fringe] 1. a fringe, border, or edge. 2. pilus (def. 2).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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