
1. A turning outward. 2. A trait involving social intercourse, as practiced by an extrovert. Cf.:introversion. SYN: extraversion. [incorrectly formed fr. L. extra, outside, + verto, pp. versus, to turn]

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ex·tro·ver·sion or ex·tra·ver·sion .ek-strə-'vər-zhən, -shən n the act, state, or habit of being predominantly concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self compare INTROVERSION
ex·tro·ver·sive or ex·tra·ver·sive -siv, -ziv adj

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1. (extraversion) an enduring personality trait characterized by interest in the outside world rather than the self. People high in extroversion (extroverts), as measured by questionnaires and tests, are gregarious and outgoing, prefer to change activities frequently, and are not susceptible to permanent conditioning. Extroversion was first described by Carl Jung as a tendency to action rather than thought, to scientific rather than philosophical interests, and to emotional rather than intellectual reactions. Compare introversion.
2. a turning inside out of a hollow organ, such as the uterus (which sometimes occurs after childbirth).

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ex·tro·ver·sion (ekstro-vurґzhən) [L. extroversio, from extra outside + vertere to turn] extraversion; 1. a turning inside out, as of an organ. 2. the turning outward to the external world of one's interest; cf. introversion. 3. in orthodontics, malocclusion in which the teeth or other maxillary structures are further from the median plane than normal, resulting in a wide dental arch. Cf. intraversion.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • extroversion — n. 1) (extraversion) an enduring personality trait characterized by interest in the outside world rather than the self. People high in extroversion (extroverts), as measured by questionnaires and tests, are gregarious and outgoing, prefer to… …   The new mediacal dictionary

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