
Removal of internal organs and tissues, usually radical removal of the contents of a body cavity. SYN: evisceration (1). [G. ex, out, + enteron, bowel]
- anterior pelvic e. removal of the urinary bladder, lower parts of the ureter, vagina, uterus, adnexa, and adjacent lymph node s; a urinary diversion is necessary.
- orbital e. removal of the entire contents of the orbit.
- pelvic e. removal of all of the organs and adjacent structures of the pelvis; usually performed to surgically ablate cancer involving urinary bladder, uterine cervix, and rectum.
- posterior pelvic e. removal of the vagina, uterus, adnexa, rectum, anus, and adjacent lymph node s; a colostomy is necessary.
- total pelvic e. removal of the urinary bladder, lower parts of the ureter, vagina, uterus, adnexa, rectum, anus, and adjacent lymph node s; a colostomy and urinary diversion are necessary. SYN: Brunschwig operation.

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ex·en·ter·a·tion ig-.zent-ə-'-shən n
2) surgical removal of the contents of a bodily cavity (as the orbit, pelvis, or a sinus) <pelvic \exenteration for advanced uterine, bladder, and rectal carcinoma (Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc.)>
ex·en·ter·ate ig-'zent-ə-.rāt vt, -at·ed; -at·ing

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(in ophthalmology) an operation in which all the contents of the eye socket (orbit) are removed, leaving only the bony walls intact. The bone is covered by a skin graft. This operation is sometimes necessary when there is a malignant tumour in the orbit.

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ex·en·ter·a·tion (ek-sentər-aґshən) [ex- + Gr. enteron bowel] 1. a more extensive type of evisceration (removal of organs), usually radical excision of the contents of a body cavity, as of the pelvis. 2. in ophthalmology, removal of the entire contents of the orbit.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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